April Showers

Hi! Hope you are all hanging in there, and finding a positive way to get through this crazy time.
I've realized that I can burn up a day pretty easily.  One day I'll get up and get through my large list of things I want to get done and the next day is a complete write off. Lazy with a capital L. With all the highs and lows this time brings on, I'm thinking it's okay to take the time to recharge.  Even if I'm not going out or leaving our home base, there is a lot of information and energy  I need to process or reflect on and sometimes it can all be overwhelming.  I am honouring myself, allowing space, and finding peace.
I hope you are staying grounded too.

As the title shares for this post, we are having showers.  Okay we had showers....it's already cleared up.  Some would be content with that, but not I, I would love to have an afternoon of rain.  My garden would love it.  Nothing like rain water to encourage fresh growth.  Not to mention the seeds that have been planted....and I wouldn't feel guilty cross-stitching the day away.

Behind my little Buddha, in the blue pot I've planted bush bean and lettuce seeds.  I don't know how many flowers I'll end up planting, this year I am attempting to make do. It all depends on the germination of some left over seeds from last year.

At least I have my succulents, this wooden succulent bowl survived the winter beautifully. It's filled with chicks and hens, crystals, and a few stones picked up on a hikes. This will be their third summer!

I still can't plant too much in our zone yet, but the pea seeds are planted.
Down the side, in our veggie garden I've planted potatoes, and pushing my limitations, I've planted peas along side them.  These are bush peas, so we'll see how this works.

Waiting for the grass to get greener and the chives are already thriving! As well as my bulbs who are still growing by the minute....makes me question if we should keep the grass....

Back inside, I've finished my bird cross-stitch.

Most of my spring decor has been taken down and I'm moving summer in.

I am starting another little cross stitch.  Again, going with the 'make do' theme, I think these colours will work.  They are very close to the suggested colours so I'm going to give it a go.  That blue is popping up a lot in our house.  The fabric is coffee stained Irish linen.

I hope this finds you well and I wish you a day filled with exactly what you need!
Until next time, keep safe, and stay healthy,


  1. Your garden looks lovely!! We cleaned up our front yard and porch this past weekend so it is ready for the Summer but I will have to wait to plant my annuals until the 3rd week of May because of the threat of frost. Love your cross stitch!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  2. Thank you! It's so nice to work in the dirt again! Winter can seem so long, mid May is our plant time too. My window sills are getting pretty full with annuals. :))
