It's been another busy week.
First I wanted to share my garden, it has really filled up in the last week, so here we go...
More of the Alliums and Tulips have bloomed, Lamb's Ear, Columbine, and on the other side of this little bed there should be a Peony blooming in a few weeks. I don't think it has bloomed for me- ever. I moved it at a very young age and I don't think it has forgiven me yet. The buds form but never open. If anyone has any suggestions, I am all ears.
Looking across and down to the bottom of our garden you can see the Peony getting bigger. Hostas are just making an appearance now. I always think I lost them through the winter and then, all of a sudden, there they are. Hostas are another one of my favourite, hard working plants. I have no idea which is which and some were gifts.
Heuchera or Coral Bells behind the tulips.
Looking down to the bottom of the garden Salvia Nepeta can be seen bottom right of the above picture. If you want bees in your garden, or pollinators I highly recommend this hardy ever blooming plant.
It flowers from June unto the fall.
Blooms from my Horse Chestnut tree. It can get big in height, and I hope it does. The blooms attract bees and hummingbirds. They are just way to fast for me to catch a picture.
This guy came and posed for me! So busy at work.
Yzerman patrolling the garden.
Lilac bush in bloom behind the Spirea.
I've planted Amaranthus through out the garden. I ordered seeds and started them earlier this spring inside.
Dogwood and Creeping Jenny behind more tulips.
A bleeding heart I thought I lost a few years ago, has made a return appearance.
Looking back up the garden.
This little guy getting the last of the pollen from the Amur Cherry blossoms.
This is up on our patio, I didn't get a chance to create my succulent arrangements yet. When I do, I will share them with you.
I'm not sure what this one is, I have had her for about 4 years. She goes on a window sill in the basement for winter and comes out for the summer months once the weather warms.

I know, this isn't your typical succulent presentation, but I love it.
And isn't that what gardening is.... your creation, your interpretation, yours.
I hope you are having a wonderful day, maybe even getting into some dirt!
Until next time, Abby.